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Frequently Asked Questions

“The only stupid question is the question you do not ask.” – Unknown.
When can I enrol my child for next year?In early October each year we confirm the number of existing enrolments who are returning for the following year. This allows us to confirm available enrolment places at each centre and begin accepting outside enrolments. If you have submitted a Waitlist form for next year you should hear back from your centre of choice by the end of October. You can contact our services at any time throughout the year for a tour or more information.
How can I add my child to your waitlist?You can fill out a waitlist form for your centre of choice here.
Can I enrol my baby (under two years of age)?Our St Marys centre caters for a very small number of children under the age of 2 years. Our Cranebrook, Penrith and St Clair locations can only enrol children between the ages of two (2) and six (6) years old, before they start primary school.
Can I enrol my child for preschool?Yes! It is a common misconception that long day care services do not offer preschool programs. In fact we offer both education and care services to all enrolled children, including a tailored 'school readiness' program for children the year before they start primary school.
How do I log in to HubHello?You can find this information here:
How do I complete enrolment details?Did you leave some info out when filling in your child's form? You can add details to your child's enrolment by logging in to HubHello and accessing your profile. Find out how here:
How do I sign my child in at Sweetpeas?All Sweetpeas services now use the HubHello Electronic Sign In (ESI) service. To sign your child/ren in at Sweetpeas, please bring your phone to utilise the contactless ESI system or use the centre's ESI iPad. Find out more here:
How do I update my details?Find out here:
How do I view my child’s observations and learning program?Both your child’s observations written by educators and their designated group’s educational program can be found in the EDUCATE section of HubHello on either the website or phone app. Find out more here:
How much do I owe?Find out how to answer this question here:
Can someone else pick up my child from Sweetpeas?Yes! A child does not have to be collected by their parents or legal guardians only. You can nominate anyone over the age of 18, who does not have legally restricted access to your child (e.g. a court order or custody order), to drop off and collect your child from Sweetpeas by listing them as an emergency contact. Find out how here:
Where do I find information about my child’s day?Using HubHello you can find a lot of information about your child’s day, including what and how much they ate, if and how long they slept, nappy change records, incident reports, photos and the daybook entry. This information can all be found on either the HubHello app or website under a few different menus. You must be logged in to HubHello to access any of this information. Find out more:
Do you provide education for the children in your care?Yes! Every Sweetpeas service runs a tailored education program for its enrolled children incorporating individual child interests, skills and needs. Our educators observe, care and plan for children utilising the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) as well as their knowledge of the National Quality Standard, current developmental theories, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, current inclusive practices, Early Childhood Australia's Code of Ethics and the Sweetpeas Philosophy. Yes, all of these considerations are part of our training as educators!
How do you support my child's learning in STEM?Sweetpeas Cranebrook and Sweetpeas Penrith are proudly certified Little Scientists Houses, identifying our service’s commitment to hands-on, inquiry-based STEM education. Our other Sweetpeas locations are currently undergoing the process of joining the Little Scientists family, ensuring that our educators have access to a range of Professional Development opportunities in Sceince, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and that all children enrolled at Sweetpeas services have access to playful, inquiry-based experiences in STEM.
Are your staff qualified educators?Yes! As per the National Law and Regulations that govern the Early Childhood Education and Care sector, all of our educators must be qualified with a minimum of a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and at least 50% of our educators are qualified with a Diploma of Early Childhood Education or higher. The only exception to this rule is when our services employ trainees who are working towards one of these qualifications.
What are your opening hours?Each Sweetpeas location has slightly different opening hours to cater to the needs of its local community. Visit our Locations page to find out where each Sweetpeas is situated and choose a specific centre to find out more information, including its opening hours.
Where is Sweetpeas Kindergarten?There are currently four Sweetpeas sites, all located in the Penrith region of NSW, Australia, approximately an hour from the Sydney CBD. They are located in the suburbs of: Cranebrook Penrith St Clair St Marys
What's the difference between childcare, day care and long day care?"Nothing! These are all different terms used to name or brand different early education and care services, but these labels can be used interchangeably. Any of these terms or early childhood education and care can be used to describe the Sweetpeas Kindergarten services.
Do Sweetpeas centres close for school holidays?No, all Sweetpeas centres only close for two weeks per year over the Christmas/New Years period. These dates will vary each year, depending on where Christmas falls, but all families will be notified of our closure dates in advance. Families do not pay for this closure period.
Are Sweetpeas centres closed on public holidays?Yes, all Sweetpeas centres are closed on NSW public holidays. Families will be reminded of these dates in advance.
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